Private Investigator services for technology forensics, vehicle tracking, surveillance, monitoring and fraud

Why use a private investigation service?
You may need to hire an investigator with specialist skills, for example in surveillance, tracing people or fraud. Others may have more experience of matrimonial enquiries or personal injury.
Inform the company of your situation and the types of skills you will require. Also ask if the work will be completed in house or outsourced, it’s important to know who’ll have access to your confidential information.

Why choose an NSI approved company providing private investigator services?
NSI approved companies employ private investigators who have been trained to the British Standard for the Provision of Investigative Services (BS 102000), are security screened and hold an SIA licence.
Many professionally trained and experienced investigators are ex-law enforcement or ex-military staff. Ask to meet the investigator who will be handling your case and check on the levels of professional indemnity insurance held by the company.
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Look out for the NSI hallmark
It’s the most widely recognised mark of approval in security and
fire safety. NSI approval tells you the company is:
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