Surveillance Camera Commissioner Launches Buyers Toolkit
The Surveillance Camera Commissioner, Tony Porter, has published a new Buyers Toolkit, developed in consultation with representatives from across the industry, including NSI’s Technical Officer, Mark Gallagher. The new toolkit forms part of the overall National Surveillance Camera Strategy for England and Wales, helping companies to improve the quality of these video surveillance systems and to demonstrate that the operation of these surveillance camera systems is to a lawful and ethical standard in which the public may have confidence.
The toolkit document includes guidance for the non-expert who is thinking about buying a surveillance camera system and wants to maximise their chance of success and minimise their risk by observing the principles of good practice. It is primarily designed to assist small and medium sized enterprises and micro-businesses. However, the five stage approach in the Buyers Toolkit is guidance that would be valuable for any organisation or individual considering the use of surveillance cameras.
NSI’s Technical Officer Mark Gallagher commented: “The development of this new toolkit has been a truly collaborative initiative involving key representatives from across the industry, enabling buyers to get the best solution for their surveillance needs.”
Following this guidance will help buyers to make informed decisions about whether surveillance can be justified as a solution their security problems. If the deployment of surveillance cameras is considered necessary, the toolkit provides advice and tips on how to get the best out of prospective suppliers.
The Buyers Toolkit also includes a link to the list of recommended standards on the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s website including some of those in the BS EN 62676 series. The new NSI Code of Practice for the design, installation and maintenance of CCTV systems, NCP 104 (Issue 3), is based on BS EN 62676-4:2015 and is a baseline document for NSI NACOSS Gold and Systems Silver approved companies to apply to all their CCTV systems. The new NCP 104 includes requirements for specific design areas, such as network security, detectors, video analysis, audio and cabling, that are not covered in BS EN 62676.
The new Buyers Toolkit, available in an interactive PDF format, can be downloaded from the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s website and complements the more in depth Passport to Compliance guide.