SIA Launches Licensing of Security Businesses

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) have announced today that with effect from 6 April 2015, all regulated security businesses will be required to hold an SIA business licence.

The SIA have stated that the introduction of business regulation will help to create a fair business environment for security companies, remove rogue operators and deliver better value regulation.

Business licensing is subject to Ministerial approval and the approval of the Scottish Government and the Department of Justice for Northern Ireland, both of which have indicated that they are supportive of a consistent UK-wide regulatory regime.

A business will need to obtain approval for each sector in which it supplies a security industry service. The relevant sectors are:

  • Manned guarding – Cash and Valuables in Transit, Close Protection, Door Supervision, Public Space Surveillance (CCTV), and Security Guarding.
  • Key holding.
  • Immobilisation of vehicles (including the restriction and removal of vehicles) in Northern Ireland only.

The proposed implementation dates are:

  • 7 April 2014: SIA accepts business licence applications.
  • 1 October 2014: The last recommended business licence application date.
  • 6 April 2015: Legal requirement to have a business licence.

The SIA is writing to private security businesses to inform them of their responsibilities in applying for a business licence.

For more information on the launch of business licensing and updates on the forthcoming SIA Roadshows visit the SIA website.


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