Security Industry Authority – Self Assessment Workbook Update

The NSI news article of 13 April 2016 provided information on the Security Industry Authority's (SIA) review of the Self Assessment Workbook (SAW) for their Approved Contractor Scheme. We can now provide the following update:

Latest information received from the SIA indicates that publication of the updated Self Assessment Workbook will happen at the end of the year, October at the earliest.  Following publication there will be a six month lead-in before changes will become mandatory requirements.  During the lead-in period, Approved Contractors should be aware that Improvement Options will be raised where any issues are identified in relation to the changes.

NSI was one of the first Certification Bodies to be appointed as an SIA Assessing Body. Our team of experts have intimate knowledge of the Approved Contractor Scheme and assess the widest variety of security guarding companies, including the highest scoring businesses in the sector.

To find out about the application routes of becoming an Approved Contractor go to our SIA Approved Contractor Scheme page or contact Michelle Dennehy, Senior Applications Advisor, Tel: 01628 764855 who will be happy to assist.



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