NSI’s CCTV National Congress Brings Industry Together

The recent NSI CCTV National Congress held on 26 March at New Scotland Yard brought together key industry stakeholders and exponents of CCTV installation.

Presentations were given by a variety of high profile organisations and industry bodies:  Mitie Total Security Management – event sponsors, Facewatch, The Crown Prosecution Service, Metropolitan Police Service, Greenwich University, Ministry of Justice, Crimestoppers and the Security Industry Authority.

Richard Jenkins, NSI Chief Executive, summed up the event by saying “The focus of the event was to highlight the potential benefits of CCTV monitoring and low level crime reporting, to raise the profile of new and emerging technologies and to bring together those with a professional interest in the ‘crime-to-conviction’ process under one roof.”

Richard continued “Much of the feedback we received on the day and afterwards from delegates and speakers alike, highlighted the benefits of an open forum event like the NSI Congress, to share information and thinking between all interested parties and how working together all parties can each gain more advantage.  Quality of the ‘evidential package’ including CCTV consistency of standards and homogeny of technology, especially for law enforcement agencies, were key messages from the Congress.”

There was a great deal of similar thinking with the different perspectives shared on the day.  Detective Chief Inspector Mick Neville from the Metropolitan Police Service graphically described the power of CCTV when used properly in securing convictions.

Other speakers covered the opportunities for using modern technology in capturing incident reporting and creating the ‘evidential package’ including CCTV clips that police can work with.  The work of Super Recognisers – Dr Josh Davis from Greenwich University, the work of the Home Office and the Crown Prosecution Service all conveyed the necessity in bringing modern technology into the process for the benefit of all.

To view the presentations from Facewatch, The Crown Prosecution Service, Greenwich University and the Security Industry Authority click here.

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