NSI Welcomes New Guidance Published On Connected Security Systems
The National Security Inspectorate (NSI) has welcomed the British Security Industry Association’s (BSIA) recently published “Cyber Secure It” - Best Practice Guidelines for Connected Security Systems, promoting the importance of secure connections throughout the supply chain in order to protect against cyber security threats.
The new guidelines outline a risk based framework for manufacturers, installers, monitoring centres, maintainers and other stakeholders involved in the manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning, maintenance and inspection of such systems, for the benefit of end users.
NSI Chief Executive, Richard Jenkins commented: “This is a welcome and well-presented guide to the implementation of good practice around the protection against cyber security threats, and will benefit the electronic security industry as a whole.
“NSI recognises that cyber security threats are a real concern to business and the public at large. As more and more electronic security products are joining the Internet of Things (IoT) it is incumbent on stakeholders within the industry to do their part and offer protection against these risks.
“The risk based framework approach of the BSIA document provides a good foundation to lead the security industry to offer the appropriate level of protection to all systems from the simple smart phone connected intruder alarm to the most complex integrated server based security solution.”