NSI Unveils a new Brand Identity
NSI has unveiled its new corporate brand identity and styling in line with its vision to be seen as a contemporary certification body and to reflect its developing market proposition.
Whilst it remains steadfastly loyal to its established core business of security and fire certification schemes, NSI is looking to secure its future by broadening its range of auditing services and capabilities in order to maintain its competitive advantage and keep pace with the many and varied requirements of its approved companies. The new brand image is the first step in what NSI considers will be a root and branch evolution of its modus operandi and engagement with its many stakeholders.
There is evidence of increasing integration of services provided by NSI approved companies, driven by new technology and end user demands, with many diversifying into new areas such as Facilities Management and Environmental Management. With the number of certification schemes currently offered and the proliferation of those being developed, there is a need to consolidate and simplify the public facing brand of NSI in order to strengthen its position and secure its future.
Organisations seeking certification from NSI will continue to be approved to Gold and Silver approval Schemes (e.g. the renowned NACOSS Gold Scheme), but will publically project the simplified NSI Gold and Silver logos, distinguishing the two levels of approval. With a nod to the past, the certification logos will keep the ‘medal’ and ‘owl’ reference so revered by many. Gold schemes will continue to be offered to those organisations which incorporate a BS EN ISO 9000 Quality Management System and Silver Schemes for those who have Product Certification, adhering to sector specific standards.
The new logo is designed to stand out amongst the crowd and is a ‘blue-ribbon’ offer of trust, quality, continued improvement and a tick of approval. The new look website www.nsi.org.uk reflects this new branding and offering.
Jeff Little OBE, Chief Executive NSI comments “Our organisation has been in existence in one form or another for over 40 years. During this time the security and fire sectors have evolved significantly and in many different ways ranging from advancements in technology, the emergence of new standards and now the growing integration of services and systems. Following an extensive review of our procedures and growing capabilities, it is essential that we create wider market appeal and presence, particularly in the minds of consumers and end users in all areas.”
Little continues “We are embracing change and we are genuinely excited about the future of the industry at a time when austerity cuts and reductions will hit both the police and the fire and rescue services. This presents new opportunities for the approved community and we have to respond and react to the new security paradigm.”