NSI pronounced ‘v 2015’ ready – Accreditation to ISO 9001:2015 Confirmed

NSI is delighted to announce its accreditation for ISO 9001:2015, the latest version of this well-known quality standard, as ‘confirmed’ by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

This means that NSI is enabled with immediate effect to issue approvals to this latest standard. All NSI’s GOLD Schemes now include the latest version of the ISO 9001 standard. Organisations in the process of applying to NSI for one of its Gold approval schemes, or awaiting their 3 yearly re-certification can benefit from NSI’s latest accreditation, and can now be audited against the latest standard by anyone of NSI’s fully trained team of in-house auditors.

NSI GOLD approved companies who are leading the way and have made the transition:

Alarming UK Ltd (Dereham)

Black Box Security Alarm Systems Ltd (Chorley)

Briar Security Systems Ltd (Cambridge)

CoventBridge (Europe) Ltd (Newbury)

East Midlands Central Station Ltd (EMCS) (Nottingham)

Nu Fire & Security Ltd (Ashton-under-Lyne)

Oakpark Alarms Security Services Ltd (Winslow)

Omni Security Services Ltd (Huntingdon)

The Kirby Group (Sheffield)

Kay Aitkin, Service Delivery Director said: “We are very pleased to be the first security specialist certification body to receive accreditation to ISO 9001:2015.  Our team of auditors are fully trained and are able to conduct transition audits; any company wishing to make the transition should contact their auditor as soon as possible.  Congratulations to the NSI approved companies who are among the first to obtain approval to the new standard and complete the transition from the previous 2008 version– well done!”

Briar Security, an NSI NACOSS Gold approved company, are one of the first NSI approved companies to have gone through the 2008 to 2015 ISO 9001 transition process.

Stephen Cook, Managing Director of Briar comments: “When a new standard comes out some companies see it as burden and others embrace it. If I could give one piece of advice to the smaller companies out there that operate an ISO 9001 quality manual it would be grab this new ISO9001-2015 standard with both hands and make it do the work for your company and not the company do the work for the standard.”

Cook continues: “It’s a great opportunity to stand back look at how your company operates look at how things can be done more efficiently, rationalise operating procedures and giving clarity of thought.”

Richard Jenkins, NSI Chief Executive: “We are delighted to have received confirmation from UKAS that our internal processes, training and audit delivery in the field, are demonstrably up to the mark. We are very much ‘v2015 ready’in every respect.  It’s important to us that the certification service we provide to the UK’s finest security and fire safety companies leads the way in delivering the latest standards and approvals.  The evidence to date is that NSI approved companies who have been the early adopters in this transition, have already seen how the latest standard can help them in their own process of continual improvement in serving their customers better.”

NSI ISO 9001 Transition Training Courses

NSI holds regular ISO 9001 Transition training courses for its approved companies. The courses are proving to be very popular and the next available dates are 25 January 2017 and 23 March 2017. Companies interested in attending should contact Maxine Dent, NSI Training Executive on 01628 764831.

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