NSI Delivers FESS Apprenticeship Training Sessions for Employers
Earlier this year NSI took part in an innovative apprenticeship training session with young apprentices at Secom plc, as part of FESS - the expanding Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Technician Apprenticeship programme.
Working alongside Secom and their Head of Training and Development Derek Jones, NSI devised a specialist training session addressing a part of the FESS curriculum, which has been available to other organisations' training centres and offices, delivered by qualified NSI auditors.
NSI Head of Field Operations (Systems) John Davidson, a representative on the FESS Stakeholders Group and NSI's Systems Auditor Gary Hurst conducted two sessions for Secom apprentices at the company's National Training and Development Centre in Birmingham providing insight into the role of certification in the security and fire sectors, as well as the importance of Standards and Codes of Practices.
Read the full article on IFSEC Global here.