NSI Awarded UKAS Approval for BAFE’s Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment Scheme SP205

NSI is delighted to announce, with effect from 24 October 2012, the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has granted an extension to NSI's scope of accreditation to permit NSI to certificate organisations to BAFE's Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment Scheme, SP205.

NSI is the first certification body primed to offer a complete auditing solution for fire risk assessment organisations both large and small, keen to prove to their clients that they are competent to carry out life safety fire risk assessments.  Clients or those commissioning fire risk assessments, will have the assurance that they will receive a quality service by an organisation that is regularly audited to ensure compliance with set criteria.

Stephen Adams, General Manager, BAFE, commented “I am very pleased to hear that NSI has been granted UKAS accreditation to deliver our SP205 Scheme for Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment. NSI has been involved with the Scheme from the start, sitting on the Industry Working Group responsible for the Scheme’s development. Their expertise and knowledge they brought to the table during the development stage was invaluable and they are well placed to offer Fire Risk Assessment organisations with a credible auditing solution”.

Jeff Little, Chief Executive, NSI stated “NSI is delighted to have gained accreditation to conduct fire risk assessment audits and bring effective third party certification to this discipline.  Fire Risk Assessment is a life safety issue and the BAFE SP205 Scheme will undoubtedly be welcomed across all sectors of the industry.  We have conducted a thorough and intensive period of preparation, training and witnessed audits for our surveillance team and we are pleased to further extend our expertise and competence within the fire sector.”

NSI is now accepting applications from organisations keen to demonstrate to their clients that the service they provide is independently audited by the leading inspectorate for the security and fire sectors.

For more information contact the NSI Sales Department on 01628 764838 or sales@nsi.org.uk.

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