Learn more about Business Licensing

Subject to Ministerial approval, ALL businesses providing regulated security services under contract will need to hold an Security Industry Authority business licence from 6th April 2015.

Key Information

1. A business licence is required for each sector that a company operates in. As a result, companies that currently work under contract in the SIA licensable sectors (see below), need to be aware that if they are not approved for all the areas in which they operate (i.e. via a Certification Body or the SIA`s Approved Contractor Scheme), they will need to gain approval for these areas in order to be business licensed.

2. All ‘Controlling Minds’ (see page 3 of the SIA Get Business Licensed document) will need to complete a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check (formerly known as CRB.)

NSI are currently investigating the timeframes in which the DBS needs to be completed and will issue any updates as soon as possible.

A business will need to obtain approval for each sector in which it supplies a security industry service. The relevant sectors are;

  • Security Guarding (BS 7499)
  • Cash and Valuables in Transit (BS 7872)
  • Close Protection (BS 8507)
  • Door Supervision (BS 7960)
  • Public Space Surveillance (CCTV) (BS 7958)
  • Key holding (BS 7984)
  • Immobilisation of vehicles (including the restriction and removal of vehicles) in Northern Ireland only.

Key Dates

The proposed implementation dates are:

  • 7 April 2014: SIA accepts business licence applications.
  • 1 October 2014: The last recommended business licence application date.
  • 6 April 2015: Legal requirement to have a business licence.

To obtain a Business Licence organisations will need to either hold Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) approval, relevant product certification or ISO9001:2008 via a UKAS Accredited Certification Body, such as the NSI.

The next step

Contact NSI – To discuss your options, NSI will be able to provide guidance for companies that meet any of the above criteria, and also provide support for companies, of all sizes, that require the credentials to gain Business Licensing.

To find out more and to get ahead of the game contact Sean Mullin 01628 764838 /  sean.mullin@nsi.org.uk or go to our Business Licence webpage.

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