Customer complaint form

Customer complaint form

Customer complaint form

Customer complaint form


    Title *


    SECTION 3 (Complete this section if your complaint is about an NSI Approved Company)

    What Service is your complaint about?

    Have you complained to the NSI Approved Company in writing? (You should do this before submitting a complaint to NSI)

    SECTION 4 (Complete this section if your complaint is about an NSI approved electronic security or fire detection and alarms provider)

    Please provide the Certificate of Compliance number of the system installed (if known):

    Please indicate whether a maintenance contract is in place?

    Is the system monitored?


    To process your complaint, NSI may need to share with other parties information you submit.

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    If you are able to submit evidence to us, supporting your complaint, please do so by email to:

    If you are unable to complete the online Customer Complaint form and would like to request a hard copy, please contact our Customer Care team on 01628 764886.