BSIA Awards Recognise talent within NSI Approved Companies

At a prestigious awards ceremony in London this week hosted by the BSIA, the trade association for the UK's private security industry, the achievements of individuals working in the security sector were given well-deserved recognition. Individuals working for NSI approved companies and the companies themselves, are highlighted below.

Apprentice Installer Awards

Sponsored by Pyronix, the Apprentice Installer Awards recognised the achievements of Level Two and Level Three apprentices involved in the installation of alarms, CCTV, access control or a combination of these systems and represent the commitment of security companies and training bodies in providing young talent with the opportunity to succeed in the security industry.

Congratulations to the following winners:

The overall winner was Robbie Jackson, 18, a third-year apprentice working for Compass Fire and Security in Cumbria, an NSI Systems Silver approved company for the design, installation and Maintenance of security systems. Considering an apprenticeship as an alternative to university, Robbie quickly progressed in his role to become a valued member of the company.

Achieving National Winner status was first-year apprentice, 17 year old Christopher Hunt. Christopher works for Kings Security, an organisation approved by NSI for its premier approval schemes: NACOSS Gold, Guarding Gold and Fire Gold.

Contribution to Training

The award of Contribution to Training was presented to VSG for its Zero Assaults Project.  VSG, has NSI Gold approval for Guarding Services, its Alarm Receiving Centre, Health & Safety and Environmental management systems.

The VSG winning project aims to protect members of the public and minimise criminal or reputational damage and has been deliverered to 240 managers and directors since its launch last May. The project has been rolled out across major contracts in London and now forms part of the mandatory VSG induction process.

Annual Security Personnel Awards

Service to the Customer

Mohammed Amal El-Hajji – Mitie Total Security Management (with an excellent track record with much praise from clients, VIPs and senior state figures).

Donald Murray – VSG (providing excellent service to the customer, forging excellent relationships and empowering team members)

Best use of Technology

Marcin Bereza – VSG (for designing and implementing an electronic Security Operations Dashboard)

Best Team

Centrale Shopping Centre Team – VSG (a 33 strong dedicated team, continually improving their skills adding value to their contract and exceeding expectations).

ITV Security Team – Wilson James – an NSI Guarding Gold approved company.  The Wilson James team were praised for embracing the culture and values of ITV and often go the extra mile to cover additional duties.

Congratulations to the above winners. For more information go the BSIA website.

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