NSI Systems Silver Application

NSI Systems Silver Application

NSI Systems Silver Application

NSI Systems Silver Application

How to Apply

Initial Certification audits are usually booked 3 months following application being completed. However, sometimes audits can be done at an earlier time subject to NSI’s auditor availability and your organisations readiness for audit.

You should make your application at such a time as you are very confident that your organisation will be able to demonstrate that it is meeting the criteria and requirements at the time of audit.

Scheme Criteria and Regulations

We recommend you read the following documents before completing your application to ensure you are familiar with the requirements before submitting your application:

Apply today

You can find the application forms at the bottom of this page - for any enquiries or assistance please contact our sales team today

T: 01628 764885

Please download and submit the following documents to our sales team

Application Form (Mandatory)

Systems Silver Approval Annex A (Mandatory)

Personal Data Form (Mandatory)

Electronic Security Competency Form (Mandatory)

  • A Personal Data Form must be supplied for Directors, Partners and Shareholder (with 10% or more of the shares)
  • An Electronic Security Competency Form must be supplied for all Senior Qualifying Managers and Qualifying Managers

Further documentation required:

For start-up companies

A two year projected business plan is required to include a Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. To help you, click here for a model Projected Business Plan and Notes.

Companies trading between one and two years:

Please provide one year’s statutory accounts and one year’s projected business plan to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. To help you, click here for a model Projected Business Plan and Notes.

Companies trading for two years or more:

Sole traders and partnerships should send two years’ statutory accounts to include Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet. Limited companies trading for two years or more may be required to provide additional information.

Learn more about NSI's certification process

To obtain a quotation or if you have any other queries, please contact our Applications team today