Official NSI Installer Summit Video released

Back in March NSI held their first ever Installer Summit. The event, held at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham was designed to focus entirely on the technical and business needs of alarm installers.

With the help of headline sponsors CSL Dualcom and IFSEC International the Summit featured over 40 exhibitors from the UK’s leading brands, an extensive seminar programme with key note speakers including ACPO and BAFE, a learning zone and an attendance of over 200 NSI installers.

Chris Pinder, NSI External Affairs Director stated, “This was the largest gathering focused on Alarm Installers that NSI has ever organised. I’d go as far as to say that this was the biggest single gathering with a focus on Alarm Installers that has ever taken place in the UK.”

To see highlights of the day watch our official Installer Summit video below:

NSI would once again like to thank those who made the event such a success, including headline sponsors CSL DualCom and IFSEC International, exhibitors, speakers, learning Zone participant and delegates.

“NSI Installer Summit 2015” we hear you ask…you will have to wait and see! Send us your thoughts via twitter @NSI_approved using the #NSIinstallersummit2015

The NSI Team


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